Today is Captain America - Steve Rogers birthday! Thank you Omar (Captain America) for collaborating on this awesome tribute and to Stefan for the edit.
Steve Rogers is my favorite Marvel character. He represents everything American; everything good and true. I did a gender bend photo shoot in honor of his birthday. All photos and edits by me.
Following the interrogation of Arnim Zola, it was learned that HYDRA was planning an attack on the United States of America. Carter attended a briefing run by Colonel Chester Phillips and learned about Red Skull's plans with his Tesseract technology while they discussed their plan to bring an end to HYDRA and Red Skull himself. Along with Howard Stark and the remaining members of the Howling Commandos, crafted a plan in which Steve Rogers break through their defenses. Once Rogers attacked HYDRA's last base of operations, allowing himself to be captured in order to distract Red Skull and allowed the United States Army time to attack the base. While Phillips had the called to enter in the base, Carter followed along with the assault force, as the HYDRA soldiers began to fire with their Assault Weapons. While the many soldiers were killed one by one with each fire power, Carter managed survive and broke into HYDRA's base of operation with Phillips killing one of them upfront. Comic book version of Peggy Carter. "That was a difficult winter. A blizzard had trapped half our battalion behind the German line. Steve... Captain Rogers, he fought his way through a HYDRA blockade that had pinned our allies down for months. He saved over a thousand men, including the man who would... who would become my husband as it turned out."
While putting together Peggy's ground forces costume, I researched the story of this outfit. The location of HYDRA's main base was in the Swiss Alps. Carter managed the troop movements of the Commandos and ground forces as they stormed the base, working with General Phillips to do so. They initially appeared to win the day, capturing the base and with Rogers seemingly defeating the Red Skull. Peggy uses a M1928A1 Thompson firearm.
BIO Dr. Margaret Elizabeth "Peggy" Carter, born on April 9, 1919 Characteristics: 5' 7", 120 lbs, Peggy has two bullethole scars on her right shoulder Relatives: Harrison (father, deceased), Amanda (mother, deceased), Michael (older brother, deceased) Affiliation: S.H.I.E.L.D., British Armed Forces, liaison with U.S. Army, SSR (Strategic Scientific Reserve), Allies, Howling Commandos, Captain America Base of Operations: Winchester, Hampshire, England, UK; formerly Camp Lehigh, USA; New York City Status Identity: No Dual Identity Citizenship: British, English Occupation: Soldier, British Liaison to the U.S. Army Abilities
Martial Arts: Carter is a skilled martial artist, able to beat trained SSR agents and assassins. Marksmanship: An expert markswoman, capable of a headshot against a target fleeing in a vehicle several dozen meters away, despite being momentarily distracted by a car bomb close by. Weapons: A variety of weapons were used by Carter, including standard issued Thompson submachine guns, a M1911 Pistol, a Walther PPK, and stolen Hydra weapons powered by the Tesseract. Multilingual: Carter can speak and read English and French fluently although her language skills were not mentioned in her SHIELD profiles. Strategy: Though they were all seasoned war veterans, the Howling Commandos took instruction from Carter on how to infiltrate the Red Room Academy, following her leadership on how to divide the men and what to do in a given situation. Spy: Carter was able to infiltrate Castle Kaufmann and free Abraham Erskine with her disguise as "Eva". Likewise, she is able to flawlessly mimic other accents. She knows how to manipulate men by exploiting the sexist stereotypes of her time, and by seduction. Thief: Carter was able to pickpocket an access card from an employee of Isodyne Energy with ease; however, she was not successful in using her Brooch Key to access Daniel Sousa's desk because he was too close to her. Codebreaker: Carter was able to easily decipher a Leviathan code. |
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January 2025