Look how beautiful Independence Hall looks with a freshened paint job! Not quite sure what's going on at KBF and the new management team....namely Knott's latest round of strange budget cuts. Knott’s Berry Farm has cut over 5,000 man hours and that’s just in the foods division. Other odd cuts are no aluminum foil wrapped baked potatoes, no ribs from Fireman’s and rumor has it, Fireman’s is also losing chicken. The new $50 parking lot is open and the park is still not accepting cash… And Knott's has increased the price of a slice and a whole pie. September 2022, the same slice was $4.50 and a whole pie was $18. NOW a slice is $7.25 and a whole pie is $22! That's a HUGE increase! Old Betsy Is back after a freshening up too!!! The Fiesta Village makeover is looking GREAT!!! Lots of new walls up around Camp Snoopy.
Its unclear what will be replacing the Camp Bus or Timberline Twister. Both rides have been removed from the website, as well as the park map on the Knott’s app. Knott's Independence Hall is a National Historical Site located in this part of the city. It is a kind of time capsule. You will experience a trip to the past and witness the signing of the Declaration of Independence there, as this important historical event took place here at Knott's own Independence Hall. Every day they show a re-enactment of this event, hence bringing this piece of history to life. The building is very beautiful with spire, dome and clock. Located directly across the street from Knott’s Berry Farm, Knott's Independence Hall is an exact, brick-by-brick replica of the original historical Philadelphia landmark. This free exhibit offers visitors a chance to personally dive deeper into America’s past. Guests can explore the museum to see an exact replica of the Liberty Bell or to check out wax figure recreations of prominent political figures such as Betsy Ross and George Washington. There's also a variety of historical presidential artifacts. Independence Hall was unveiled by Walter Knott, who admired the original landmark, as an extension of his famed theme park on the fitting date of July 4, 1966. This was exactly 190 years after the Second Continental Congress officially adopted the Declaration of Independence in the original Independence Hall more than 3,000 miles away. See MORE of Independence Hall in previous posts!
Such a beautiful property! It was closed due to Covid restrictions, but here's a look at the beautiful replica both during day and night.
The Hall is packed with exhibits, a replica Liberty Bell, presidential artifacts and a recreation of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Admission is free and open daily from 10am to 4pm. Why build Independence Hall? There are many reasons. It is not only the most historical building in America, but it is one of our most beautiful and stately structures. Our greatest documents — the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution — were both worked out and signed there. Just as Ghost Town vividly reminds us of our gold rush beginnings in California, Independence Hall takes us back to the very founding of our country. Truly, this building is the birthplace of America and the greatest shrine to individual freedom in all the world. Like Ghost Town, Independence Hall is a milestone in the history of the Farm. It is a reminder of some of the most crucial events in all of our history. -Walter Knott FUN FACT: A full-size replica, and is claimed to be the only existing exact replica in the US of the original structure. The interior scenes of Independence Hall for the Nicolas Cage movie National Treasure were filmed here. Liberty Bell Coin Bank $14.99
Independence Hall 2020 Pin $9.99 Walter Knott's personal labor of love, Independence Hall, is the nation's only brick-by-brick replica of the original in Philadelphia. Entering its hallowed halls, you'll feel as if you've stepped back into time. From the room where the Declaration of Independence was signed to the exact duplicate of the 2,075 pound duplicate of the Liberty Bell (complete with signature crack!), Independence Hall stands as a symbol of the hard work and determination of the men and women who made this great nation. Pin #23. |
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February 2025