I am a huge fan of Marvel's Captain America. I recently visited a WWII exhibit and curated a few key looks of those resembling Steve Roger's military outfits. Peggy Carter is an officer with the Strategic Scientific Reserve who works with Phillips on the super soldier project. Actress Hayley Atwell explains, "She's an English soldier through and through, although she always looks fabulous. She might stand there with a machine-gun shooting Nazis, but she's obviously gone to the loo beforehand and applied a bit of lipstick. She doesn't need to be rescued. That's exciting to me – her strength." She added, "I think she's quite stubborn, a slightly frustrated woman who struggles with being a woman in that time. But more importantly she's a modern woman and she sees something in Captain America that she relates to, and becomes kindred spirits. He treats her very differently to how she's been treated by lots of men, in this kind of dominated world she lives in. So she's very much a fighter." In the photo above, are authentic WWII Army uniforms worn by the women who served, not costumes. Steve Rogers wore a mash up of his patriotic stage costume with military cargo pants and bomber jacket for what has been dubbed as his "Bucky rescue outfit". These images are authentic Army uniforms and military dress, not costumes, on display at the WWII exhibit. The military barrack above, resembles that from Captain America, where skinny Steve meets with Dr. Erskine the night before he is to have his super soldier serum procedure. The origin story says Steven Rogers was born July 4, 1918 in Brooklyn to poor Irish immigrants, Sarah and Joseph Rogers. Joseph died when Steve was a child, and Sarah died of pneumonia while Steve was a teen. By early 1940, before America's entry into World War II, Rogers is a tall, scrawny fine arts student specializing in illustration and a comic book writer and artist. Disturbed by the devastation of Europe by the Nazis, Rogers attempts to enlist, but is rejected due to his frail body. His resolution attracts the notice of U.S. Army General Chester Phillips and "Project: Rebirth". Rogers is used as a test subject for the Super-Soldier project, receiving a special serum made by "Dr. Josef Reinstein", later retroactively changed to a code name for the scientist Abraham Erskine. In March 1941 the serum was successfully given to Steve Rogers, transforming him into a nearly perfect human being with peak strength, agility, stamina, and intelligence. Erskine refused to write down every crucial element of the treatment, leaving behind a flawed, imperfect knowledge of the steps. Thus, when the Nazi spy Heinz Kruger killed him, Erskine's method of creating new Super-Soldiers died. Captain America, in his first act after his transformation, avenges Erskine. The aircraft used by Howard Stark to fly Captain America behind German lines is a Beechcraft Model 18, also known as "Twin Beech". Howard Stark is the son of Howard Stark, Sr., and was born August 15, 1917 in Richford, New York. An avid and brilliant inventor from a young age, he was a brilliant scientist throughout his life. He and his father worked on various projects, and later founded Stark Industries. Throughout his young adulthood, Stark worked on various government projects dating back to the World War I and World War II era. He aided in the Super Soldier Project and then the Strategic Scientific Reserve. His contributions include providing Steve Rogers with both a tactical uniform and trademark shield.
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